The 8th edition of Smart Summit will have an exclusive stage dedicated to cryptors and digital assets. The event takes place in the state capital on February 13 and 14 and waits at least ten thousand participants.
So the wonderful city, the first to create a working group for the crypto industry in late 2021, is already one of the references in the country, when the themes involve Tech, digital actives, cryptocurrencies, defi, tokenization of the economy, among others.
The engines of the economy of Rio de Janeiro
Rock in Rio CEO, The Town and Lollapalooza, Carlos Justo, elected in 2022 and 2023 by Bloomberg as one of the 500 most influential people in Latin America, has already confirmed a presence in the main plenary of Smart Summit. It is fair that you have already tokized the tickets for the world’s largest rock festival, running 13 years ago, Rock World, the largest organizing company of musical festivals on the planet.
The future of finances: crypto, alternative investments and trader It is also featured in the main plenary. Felipe Gonçalves, HEAD of interest and B3 coins, MB’s vice president of new businesses, Fabrício Tora, Theodoro Fleury Cio QR Asset and Filipe Ferreira Business Director-Comdinheiro will discuss the theme on the second day of the event.
The conference Unlocking Value: Real World Assets (RWA)has relevant industry names such as Cássio Krupinski, founder of Blockbr Digital Assets, specializing in the construction of tokenization infrastructure for the regulated market.
Pro-Christian Senator Carlos Portinho, from Rio de Janeiro and Carlos Ferreirinha, former President Louis Vuitton Brazil, are also confirmed presence in the conferences.
Digital Assets Forum by Blokchain Rio
During Smart Summit, the Digital Stage Assets Forum by Blockchain Rio, will focus on essential topics of the current and world today. Among them, the evolution of the institutional market in crypto: from liquidity to global adoption and the role of tokenization in the new economy.
RLN, RSN or FINTERNET? How will the Drex platform bear so many use cases?
João Aragão Ferreira PhD, senior technology and innovation expert of the financial services industry at Microsoft, will explain how RLN, RSN or FINTERNET concepts could be used on the Drex platform with so many cases of use.
Regulated Liability Network (RLN) is a proposal for advancement in the debate on the future of money, developed by a group of industry participants (eg Microsoft, Central Bank of Brazil, Bis, etc.). It analyzes the technical, legal and commercial aspects necessary to enable the programmable final settlement 24 × 7 in sovereign currencies, using liabilities of regulated and private financial institutions. The on-chain initiative seeks to create a more functional financial system and according to current laws and regulations.
Regulated Settlement Network (RSN), it was designed as a settlement network that allows interoperability for transactions involving multiple active and different networks.
But how will privacy and interoperability will unite these concepts of RLN and RSN and how can you support so many use cases? We are in the second phase and we have many more use cases. I will present these concepts and connect with projects such as now and M-Bridge do BIS, revealed to the beinchrypto, João Aragão.
Master in Networks-AI/ML and Doctor in Health-AI/ML by Poly-USP, currently accompanies about six Microsoft projects on Drex pilot.
Crypto at the National Congress in 2025
Another conference that discusses the crypto industry in the National Congress will have the president of the CPI of the financial pyramids in the House of Representatives, Aureo Ribeiro (Sol -RJ), Federal Deputy, Eros Biondini (PL -MG), Ricardo Paixão, General Coordinator -Center for Applied Regulation and Innovation -CVM and Lafayatte de Andrada (Republicans -MG), Federal Deputy, Rapporteur of the Special Commission of Digital Law and President of the Digital Mixed Parliamentary Front in the National Congress.
The journey behind the decarbonization market is featured on Smart Summit
Another relevant point of the event in the midst of climate emergency is the tokenization of environmental assets in the carbon market. How will the journey be behind the tokenized decarbonization. The scenario for the tokenized active market is very promising. According to the latest survey by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) the forecast is to reach $ 16 trillion by 2030.
What are the relevant assets and how the carbon credit tokenization market can benefit from the era of the Tonekizada economy. Marcos Sarres, CEO Goledger, Luiz Eduardo Terra de Faria Digital Assets at BB Asset Management and Magno Alves Cavalcante, Software Engineer at Petrobras, will discuss the subject with mediation by Beincrypto journalist Aline Fernandes.
Imagine a coffee traceability of origin and reduced carbon footprint, propoe magnum, which also specializes in process management, software life cycle and systems engineering.
Sarres will speak of the subject from regulatory perspective and confidence in the carbon credit sector. BB Assets economist Luiz Eduardo Terra is looking for synergies and opportunities for traditional financial institutions in this new business environment.
Smart Summit wants to democratize investments
In addition to bitcoin, crypto, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), decentralized finances (Defi) and RWA, the public will have access to content including elections, climate crisis, technology and entrepreneurship. This year, the Smart Summit 2025 will feature exclusive areas of content such as Crypto. Attractions such as the Trader XP Arena and the Best Profession Room in the World, for those who want to be an investment advisor, are also on the program.
O Smart Summit It is a unique opportunity to connect leaders from the financial sector, investors and entrepreneurs, promoting debates about the main trends and challenges of the market, says Investsmart XP CEO, Samyr Castro, behind the event. Our goal is to strengthen the investment ecosystem, democratize financial education, encourage innovation and create a favorable business in Brazil, concludes Samyr.
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